Sunday, May 22

links a la mode — May 19th

Your Blogs Perfect Accessory: Brilliant Pictures

Edited by Denimology
As I was selecting my posts for this weeks Links A La Mode, I realized how important it is to have attractive and original images in your posts. I noticed that I would open a post and close it promptly if the images looked rather..... what's the word... meh.

Here is how to have your blog posts chosen by me [Denimology] for LALM:

  • Images Are The Main Course -- A great image will draw in your reader. The image might be beautiful, odd, heartwarming, instructive or just curiosity-provoking, so long as it keeps the reader wanting to read your post.
  • Don't Forget To Use an Image -- It’s better to use a generic image than no image at all but ultimately your image should represent what the subject of your post is about.
  • High Quality Images Are Best -- We've all heard the saying "Pictures speak a thousand words", but in the blogging world they speak even more. Adding HQ pictures to a blog post will visually stimulate your readers and help them identify with you, the writer.
  • Resize Your Images -- While images can make your blog looked polished and professional, having images that hang over into the margins or that are cut off is sloppy blogging.

Links à la Mode: May 19th

Sexy Tops at Shopbop: Vena Cava, Blue Life, Monrow, Vince, Wildfox,
LnA, Equipment blouses, LAMB, Zac Posen, Rachel Roy & Jill Stuart


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