Tuesday, August 16

august break: day 16

i didn't think it would happen but i love this ring. it has become a near everyday staple for me because it goes with everything!

i also like that it's on-trend for the fall tribal kind of look. sadly, i cannot claim this find. it was a thoughtful gift from some friends. at first i didn't like it at all and was kind of in shock (why would they think i like that!) and so i figured i would wear it once, just to show my appreciation. but then i kept looking at it and looking at it on my hand and it was amour!

we're getting ever closer to the convention and i'm a hot mess. clothes-wise, everything was going great but i'm having such a hard time finding a top that's not black or white (or worse, red!) for my ASOS striped skirt. and worse yet, my black CK dress is a tad too short and resembled a dress my best friend has so that has to be shipped back. and money, as always, is tight.

so we'll see~


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