posing is weird. i'll get used to it at some point, lol
i've been blogging inconsistently for many years now. since i was 14. when i started, i don't think i had ever heard of fashion blogging. in fact, most blogs were personal or more like diaries. no one even posted photos. that's the kind of blogging i was used to, so when i left the blogging world and came back i was very surprised that all of that was gone.
most of the blogs i read on a daily basis were either completely gone — we're talkin' URL no longer exists kind of stuff— or had completely changed face. gone were the days of layouts consisting of actress, singer, model, band PSDs surrounded by glitter and other stock and layouts featuring anime characters and in came plain white or black backgrounds with a simple header image. this was all very new to me, but i wanted to try and be a part of it.
i don't remember the first actual fashion blog i ever saw. maybe there wasn't one, it could've been several all at once. but i do know who inspires me now. seeing the everyday looks that Karla, Jules, Keiko and Gabi have put together has made me assess my wardrobe and look more closely at what i've got to work with.
and frankly: it's not much.
trying to find the right spot. might have to leave the house.
i guess the point I'm really trying to make is that, fashion-wise, i've still got some growing to do. i'm still trying to discover stores worth shopping at, both straight- and plus-sized. and while it's great that i have no issues in the confidence department, that has lead to some extreme (bad bad bad) clothing choices that i'm still trying to weed out today. unfortunately those bad choices are now being passed on the Goodwill…my apologies to the public. there was a hot pink and black tube dress and pink shoes i do not want to own up to!
at this point I'm starting to head in the right direction. i hope. i've purchased a number of pieces recently that really fit what i want to portray myself as within my budget constraints. so, maybe in time there will be outfit posts.
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